FireWise Landscapes
FireWise Landscapes are designed in firescaping “zones” throughout your landscape, on your property and around your home or business. FireWise Landscapes create wildfire defense spaces that reduce the threat to your home and other structures in the event of a wildfire. Each zone includes fewer combustibles than the previous zone and more non-combustible elements the closer you get to your home or other structures on your property.
Using the Zone Concept
“The primary goal for Firewise landscaping is fuel reduction — limiting the amount of flammable vegetation and materials surrounding the home and increasing the moisture content of remaining vegetation. The home itself and everything around it up to 100 – 200 feet is known as the ‘home ignition zone.’ In areas across the country where the risk of wildfire is high, the home ignition zone extends up to 200 feet beyond the actual home structure. Within this 200 foot area, there are three zones…”
**The article referenced above, “The basics of defensible space and the “home ignition zone”, talks about three “zones” while other articles on the FireWise website refer to four “zones”. Regardless, the concept is the same and provides some very useful information for those seeking to learn more about ways to prepare their homes and property in the event of a wildfire.
Zone 1
The 30 feet closest to a structure is the most critical defensible space area or “zone”. This zone keeps highly flammable fuels to a minimum and plants are kept green throughout the fire season. Perennials work well here provided they are kept irrigated. Low-growing or non-woody deciduous plants are another choice. An irrigated grass lawn is also practical as a wildfire safety feature.
However, lawns aren’t for everyone. Some good alternatives include clover, ground covers, and conservation grasses that are kept green during the fire season. Rock mulches are very good choices. Patios, masonry, or rock planters are excellent fuel breaks and increase wildfire safety. Be creative with boulders, riprap, and dry streambeds.
Zone 1 surrounds the home and other structures including fences, decks, garages and anything attached to the home for a minimum of 30 feet on all sides. recommends the following in this zone:
- Plants should be carefully spaced, low-growing and free of resins, oils and waxes that burn easily.
- Mow the lawn regularly.
- Prune trees up six to ten feet from the ground.
- Space conifer trees 30 feet between crowns.
- Trim back trees that overhang the house.
- Create a ‘fire-free’ area within five feet of the home, using non-flammable landscaping materials and/or high-moisture-content annuals and perennials.
- Remove dead vegetation from under deck and within 10 feet of house.
- Consider fire-resistant material for patio furniture, swing sets, etc.
- Remove firewood stacks and propane tanks; they should not be located in this zone.
- Water plants, trees and mulch regularly.
- Consider xeriscaping if you are affected by water-use restrictions.
Zone 2
From 30 to 100 feet in all directions is considered to be Zone 2. Plants in this zone should be less flammable, low-growing, and kept watered well and healthy, especially during fire season. In Zone 2, recommends the following:
- Leave 30 feet between clusters of two to three trees, or 20 feet between individual trees.
- Encourage a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees.
- Create ‘fuel breaks’, like driveways, gravel walkways and lawns.
- Prune trees up six to ten feet from the ground.
Zone 3
From 100 to 200 feet from the home there are factors, such as the topography, that are unique to each site or property. These factors need to be considered on a individual basis. In general, this area should be thinned, although less space is required between trees than in Zone 2. recommends the following in this zone:
- Remove smaller conifers that are growing between taller trees. Remove heavy accumulation of woody debris.
- Reduce the density of tall trees so canopies are not touching.
To protect your home, your investment and potentially your family, find out how to design a “FireWise” landscape to develop wildfire defense spaces with a design and plant choices that offer the best defensible, survivable space while enhancing your property.